Wednesday, March 11, 2009

March 8, 2009

What a great Lord's day we had. It was good to see those who were able to be there, but missed those who were out. We hope you will rejoin us this week!
Prayer Requests: (from memory, so if I leave someone off, please let me know!)...
Ms. Lenoir's family- Ms. Lenoir was found dead after being exposed to the cold weather conditions. She fell and was unable to get help. Please pray for her family as they transition without her.
Laura Beth's sister Charlotte. She has a new job and will be moving out of her parent's home. Please pray that she will adjust well, will be able to handle the new responsibilities and will do well on her own.
Sarah Cochran- Heather's great-grandmother. She is 93 years old and is not doing well. She is refusing to eat which is causing her to lose a lot of weight in a short amount of time. She is begging to die, which is hard on her daughter (Heather's grandmother). Please pray that she will not suffer and that the family will stay strong and be ready when the Lord takes her home.
Our class- for growth and the wisdom to see where the Lord wants to use us to minister to others. That we will be bold enough to take a stand and ask for God's direction. Once we know where the Lord wants us, that we will have the strength to do the task before us.
Our church
Our nation and leaders-the decisions that our government leaders make take a toll on us all-regardless if we supported them during the election or not.
We will be starting the Fireproof study (possibly) in late March. Please be in prayer for your spouse and yourself that you both will be open to listen to the Lord's direction and will. If you ordered a book from the Pathfinders class, please make your check payable to the church and turn it in as soon as possible.
Have a great week and we will see you Sunday!!

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